Jodi is a fantastic addition to any team. She has a great positive attitude, delivers on time and to a high quality. She has helped us with all sorts of content, from concise UX copy to well researched long-form blogs – and even content about toilets! I could not recommend her enough for any of your copy needs.

— Victoria | Product Lead, Checkatrade

Checkatrade Portfolio

Checkatrade is a company that connects tradespeople with customers looking for a reputable service. They check over 36,000 trades and services so their customers can always find someone trustworthy and reliable to work with.


SEO Copywriter (contract)


Working with Checkatrade’s content and trade teams, I write and publish numerous types of engaging copy. The aim is to create compelling and valuable content using specific keywords and phrases to increase Checkatrade’s authority and search engine ranking potential. Managed via Slack and, I research each topic, self-write briefs, source images, and write copy straight onto WordPress.

Content includes:

  • Cost guides

  • How-tos

  • Home renovation ideas

  • Expert advice

  • Trade news

  • Trade memos

  • Project guidance

I also write ad-hoc copy upon request.


Google docs | Slack | | WordPress | Searchmetrics


Cost guides

How-tos/expert advice


Project guidance

Making your home sustainable: Eco-friendly solutions for greener living

Trade site

Lead UX Copywriter (contract)


Checkatrade wanted to update the front-end user experience to increase the site’s usability and customer engagement. The rollout required the development of a micro-site that informed, helped and encouraged a smoother transition for the tradespeople already registered on Checkatrade. The challenge was striking the right tone and ensuring the rollout covered the key points Checkatrade wanted to make in as few words as possible.


I wrote and advised Checkatrade on the content, style and placement of language across the entire microsite, ensuring the words used conveyed the right meaning. The focus was to assure the tradespeople, who were reported to be change-reluctant, that the updates were a positive thing. We did this using an active voice that highlighted the benefits and promoted the changes within the limited character count available.

Screenshot 2020-01-17 at 15.54.47.png
Screenshot of microsite

Screenshot of microsite

Lead UX Copywriter (contract)


Checkatrade wanted to update the front-end user experience to increase their site’s usability, customer engagement and ToV. Along with the microsite (above), they needed a complete overhaul of the site’s current copy from both a traditional and UX perspective.


Checkatrade needed a standardised ToV to ensure consistency. I chose to use clear, concise and active language to reflect the new direction of their brand. Along with a rewrite of the current copy, I gave advice on the following UX aspects:

  • How and where the text should be displayed on-site to optimise the user experience

  • Where and when to use sentence case for headers, buttons and titles

  • Active language and consistent use of syntax

  • Positive and upbeat ToV

Once a draft was finalised, I checked and polished the result to ensure the copy was UX optimised and ready for rollout.


Screenshot of ToV development

Screenshot of ToV development


CBR – Comic Book List Editor


EqualEngineers – Copywriter and content strategist