How my journey began

Me with one of my Ragamese cats, BB8

Me with one of my Ragamese cats, BB8

My creative journey began at the sweet age of sixteen. I started writing my first novel, Awakening, after I ran out of YA fantasy books to read, and that level of impatience has served me well.

I developed my writing skills by attending Derby University to study Creative Writing and Theatre, although found the duality between thespians and writers impossible to reconcile (ask me later).

Fast forward a decade and the writing life is very much for me. As a result, I’ve published two books, have a third due out later this year, and work as a freelance copywriter and content strategist for hire.

As an (infamous) grammar nerd and what I like to call, ‘word artist,’ I only write unique content for my clients, which I pluck straight from my brain. I don't outsource; it's just me in my little home office doing my thing.*

So, if you’re looking for someone to represent you, care about and honour your brand, then don’t hesitate to ask how and where I can add value.

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My Office —
Greenwich, London.

*With my cats who are – full disclosure – the worst motivators.

‘They lived in the clouds and created worlds with their words, turning paper into magic and lighting fires in their souls.’

Fancy a chat?

Let’s work out where I can add value. All consultations are free.