HeathIn Designs is a holistic interior design company specialising in sustainable and ethical interiors.

Copywriting Project: Website Optimisation

The Problem

The founder of HeathIn Designs required a website overhaul to bring it more in line with her personality and vision. She already had a brand board and palette, so just wanted help with the overall design, copy, and UX. Desiring a ‘sleek and minimal’ aesthetic to match the sustainability and holistic aspects of her company, her site required more cohesion and a sleeker user journey to offer the best experience for potential customers.

The Solution

Making sure cohesion and style worked together for optimal results, I performed the following functions:

  • Edited the entire site using a conversational and informative tone of voice to match HeathIn Design’s personality

  • Optimised headers (H1, H2, and H3’s) and paragraph content for SEO

  • Deleted redundant pages and reordered existing ones for a smoother transition and sleeker site experience (including navigation menu optimisation)

  • Set site styles (fonts, font sizes, colours, backgrounds, etc.) so the client can make changes without me going forward

  • Optimised the design of each page so they worked on both web and mobile

  • Set link text and buttons to change colours when pressed

  • Added a full bleed carousel and a portfolio page to showcase HeathIn Design’s talent

  • Optimised the backend for meta data, URLs, and image alt text

  • Used appropriate CTAs and buttons site wide

The Result

Optimising HeathIn Design’s site resulted in a clean, minimalist, and tranquil user experience. It showcases the holistic and sustainable brand and highlights its USP (unique selling points). Going forward, clients will understand exactly who they’ll be working with.

Copywriter portfolio: Screenshot from HeathIn Design's home page

HeathIn Designs is a holistic and sustainable interior design company with a rebellious edge. I wanted to highlight this on their home page with engaging copy and a conversational style. However, this is also a place to optimise site titles and headers for SEO. As a copywriter, I provide the balance between these two (often opposing) requirements.


Better Food Traders – Copywriter and content strategist


Divineya Society – Copy editor